Sunday, August 14, 2011

10-Aug to 12-Aug-2011 Decon: Restore New Location

Was totally unaware this was taking place. Just happened to be driving the misses to work (early) and noticed that there were some familiar vehicles parked at the old Newington Skating Rink/Happy Wheels. I've been aware for some time that Restore had acquired a lease for the building so that they could move from the Dover location. (Just a need for more space.) So after dropping the misses off at work I swung by and found the decon crew at work. Rolled up my sleeves and dove in.

It was a fair amount of work removing only what was needed to re-purpose the existing interior. We only did the removing mind you the re-purposing begins next week. But there was a lot of specialized shelving and accouterments specific to a Roller Skating establishment that simply had to be removed. Of course the sound system made for a good time during all the work.

Additionally, all the unloading of supplies (for industrial strength shelving units) made any visits to the gym completely unnecessary for those days. In fact I find that going to the gym on any day I do work for H4H not only to be redundant but makes managing my blood sugar more difficult. To avoid dramatic lows instead of highs (which is more common with type 2).

Still had a lot of fun and I've totally regained my composure with H4H. Also how others view me has also deepened in respect as well. Appreciation from ones social peers can greatly soothe a slightly battered ego.

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