Sunday, August 14, 2011

06-Aug-2011 Farmington Build

I'll lead off with the fact that I wrote Jonathon a goodbye email. Well written, without any spite, and expressing my gratitude for the time spent with SENH. My wife felt it premature to write off my involvement and even though I agreed with her my feelings were in such a tumult that I could not "not" express myself. (I'm not known for being all that silent.)

However as the week progressed my wife's words sunk into me. Also in my prayers I felt a strong sense of disquiet within myself. When I allowed myself to reconsider my position the realization that I was in error, from ego and shame, caused me to reverse my decision. My sense of calm restored I made plans to return. I just didn't warn Jonathon.

The day went well. Paul and I was joined by Air Force SSGT Pat (last name witheld - duh) as we worked on installing baseboard molding all along the second floor. Wheee, yet something else I've never done before. Some valuable experience was gained that day as we worked with the miter saw all day long. And let me tell you, I think I still have another 1900 uses of the saw before I can be considered competent. It looks easy, lord yes, but being sure of your measurements and angles is the key to quality, even passing, work.

But mostly it was just nice to be back and that kind of overshadowed a lot of the social byplay. My appearance was openly welcomed and my worries of having become a pariah totally unfounded. I went where prayer (and my wife) led me and my cup overflowed.

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