Wednesday, May 25, 2011

25 May 2011 - First Blog and Kingston Decon Day One

Here I go, a blog about what I'm doing with the Southeastern New Hampshire chapter of Habitat for Humanity (SENH H4H from hereon out). A few beginning things:

1 - My nom de plume for this is "Q". Just the letter "Q". It's been a face to face nick name of mine for several decades now. Addtionally there are usually more "Johns" around then you can shake a pecker at.

2 - My first day with SENH H4H was two weeks ago at the Farmington build during my wife's corporate "Day of Caring". I enjoyed putting up sheet rock so much that I returned to the Farmington site. Not the following Saturday but the one after that. (I had already made another commitment).

We spent that Saturday trying to put up a good ceiling coat on the first unit of Farmington. Sadly we only got to do one coat and it became apparent that it would need more than just one. Also I helped the couple who will be living in the second unit shovel gravel around and laying it down. (H4H recipients must put in sweat equity to properly qualify for homes.)

So now we come to this day, it did not start well for me:

Bad night last night, interrupted sleep and shorted sleep. Wanted to wake up at 0630 hrs but I was so damn tired I had Yvonne hit the snooze button three times. Finally I woke up, dashed around to check my blood sugar - eat - dress - get out of the house. Dashed down the highways at 80+ mph to make it to the Kingston site on time. I got there, I thought, and then sat around noticing that no one from the work crew was there. Silly me I missed the time change from 0800 to 0900 hrs. My insecurity on this had me wake up my wife to read my email to confirm location. She was not happy! But finally I encountered someone from the school administration and confirmed the location and the changed start time.

Spent all day helping to salvage materials from the site. I felt like I was a crew man serving aboard an Eve Online starship - Salvage, Salvage, Salvage! Dismounting doors for resale via H4H's ReStore. Removing wood trim from doors, windows, and baseboards. Cutting copper pipe, into chunks, and the removing it from the building. Other minor activities as well but all focused on salvaging materials for ReStore.

To sum up today, FUN! Reconnected with a few people who I've meet on previous H4H days as well as meeting a few new ones. Have not meet anyone that incites my normal misanthropic nature. Truly an enjoyable time when that is avoided. I want to show up tomorrow, I hear that it is hard to get volunteers for this project, but between Yvonne needing to see the doctor (at 0800 hrs) and our need to pack for our week long vacation in Philadelphia (next week) I might not be able to attend.

If you are in New Hampshire and have time to spare, give this activity a try.

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